Common Car Accident Injuries
Some of the most common car accident injuries include:
- Back injuries — Back injuries include lumbar strains, lumbar sprains, vertebral fractures, compression fractures, herniated discs and injuries to soft tissues (muscles and ligaments). Back injuries are often very painful and may require surgical correction or alternative therapies, including visits to a chiropractor. It is not uncommon for a back injury to compromise a car accident victim’s ability to work.
- Spinal cord injuries — Spinal cord injuries are classified as complete or partial/incomplete. Complete spinal cord injuries can cause paralysis and nerve damage. In many cases, the full extent of the damage from a spinal cord injury does not become apparent for several weeks after a car accident. Many victims of spinal cord injuries are unable to work and require a lifetime of care, meaning costs often total in the millions.
- Quadriplegia — Quadriplegia is paralysis that occurs as a result of injury to the spinal cord in the cervical (neck) area. Because the damage happens very high up on the spine, victims experience loss of feeling and function in almost the entire body. Every area below the neck — including the torso and all four limbs – is subject to loss of function or feeling because of spine damage. If the paralysis affects only the lower body, it is called paraplegia.
- Whiplash and neck injuries — It is very common for occupants to be thrown rapidly forward and then rapidly backward as a result of a collision. This rapid, whip-like motion can seriously damage the muscles, joints, and ligaments in the neck. Whiplash can limit mobility and cause significant pain that may persist for a long time, making work difficult and impacting the victim’s quality of life.
- Traumatic brain injuries — TBI is an acquired brain injury that can develop as a result of the trauma of a car wreck. Symptoms range from mild to moderate to severe, including loss of consciousness, memory problems, cognitive impairment, seizures, convulsions, numbness or weakness in the extremities, agitation and a host of other problems. The results of TBI can make it impossible for a victim to work or even take care of basic daily tasks.
- Fractures — Car accident victims suffer many types of fractures, including broken noses or broken bones in the face; broken arms or legs; broken necks or broken backs. Depending on the severity of the break, surgeries and long rehabilitation periods may be required. Some victims face a lifetime of impairment.
- Air bag injuries — Although airbags are designed to save lives, they can also cause injuries. Airbag injuries can be as minor as a few cuts, but they can also include broken bones or more serious injuries.
- Internal injuries — A car accident can do damage to internal organs and cause internal bleeding. In some cases, victims may not even be aware of internal bleeding, internal organ damage or another internal injury at the time when it occurs. It is very important to seek medical assistance after every crash.
- Burns — Car accident victims can suffer first, second, third or fourth-degree burns in a vehicle fire. Skin grafting and multiple surgeries may be required and permanent disfigurement may result. Burn victims are also at risk for infection.
These are just some of the many different types of serious injuries that are common in New York auto accidents. Many car accident injuries are expensive to treat, and victims may face mounting medical bills after a crash.
Compensation for New York Common Car Accident Injuries
The nature and extent of your injuries have a major impact on the extent of the compensation available to you after a car accident. New York is a no-fault insurance state, which means that every driver is required to purchase personal injury protection (PIP) auto insurance to provide coverage in the event of an injury. If you suffer a mild injury, then you will need to obtain coverage through your PIP for the injury and you will not be permitted to file a personal injury lawsuit, even if someone else was to blame for the crash.
Compensation through PIP is available to anyone injured in a wreck, regardless of fault. You have a very limited period of time in which to make a no-fault insurance claim, and you can recover only up to the policy limits. You receive a portion of lost income/wages if you have to miss work due to your injury, and you can get medical bills paid by the PIP coverage. You do not obtain any compensation through PIP for pain and suffering or non-economic losses.
If your injury is serious, however, then you might be able to make a claim against the driver who caused your accident. Serious injuries are generally those injuries that are very expensive to treat, that are permanent, and/or that have a significant impact on the victim’s future quality of life. If you have suffered sufficiently serious injuries and can prove the other driver was at fault, you could recover compensation for all of your lost wages and medical expenses, as well as compensation for your pain and suffering, and emotional distress.

Call a Car Accident Injury Lawyer Today!
If you have been injured in a car accident in New York, contact the experienced New York City car accident lawyers at David Resnick & Associates, P.C. We can help ensure that you receive all of the benefits you deserve after a serious accident caused by someone else’s negligence. At David Resnick & Associates, P.C., we offer a free initial evaluation of your claim, and our New York City personal injury attorneys will negotiate a prompt, fair, and just settlement or fight aggressively to ensure that you receive full maximum compensation in accordance with the law. Call 212-279-2000 today.