Common Causes of Slip and Falls in Grocery Stores

Slip and Falls in Grocery Stores

No one expects to fall in a grocery store while shopping for food and everyday essentials. Unfortunately, it happens all too frequently in stores across America, often because companies and their employees fail to take the necessary precautions to keep their shoppers safe.

Slip and falls are common occurrences at grocery stores and other businesses. It’s the owner’s responsibility to keep the property in a safe condition for their guests. If their negligence leads to your injuries, you might be able to hold them liable for your medical treatment and other losses with the help of a slip and fall attorney.

Whether you fall and get hurt at a bodega, a local chain, or a national retailer like Macy’s, you could file a lawsuit for the dangerous conditions on the property. You should consult an experienced NYC slip and fall lawyer immediately to determine if you have a case to pursue compensation.

Liability for Slip and Fall Accidents in Grocery Stores

Property owners are responsible for legal visitors’ injuries in slip-and-fall accidents when their negligence caused the trip and fall. Grocery store owners and managers have the same duty to maintain the premises so it’s free of any hazards that could cause injuries or visitors to fall in the grocery store. State law requires all business owners to provide a safe place for their employees and customers.

Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents in Grocery Stores

Various factors can lead to a fall in a grocery store. The most common causes of slip and falls include:

  • Loose tiles, carpeting, rugs, and other flooring surfaces
  • Faulty electrical equipment, outlets, wiring, and related components
  • Items falling off shelves
  • Freshly mopped floors
  • Failure to clean up a spill or remove debris from an aisle
  • Defective automatic doors, escalators, or elevator
  • Spills from leaking freezers, cooler cases, and refrigerators
  • Inventory blocking the aisles while an employee stocks the shelves
  • Broken sidewalks and parking lot surfaces

Compensation Available from the Grocery Store

You can pursue compensation from the grocery store owner if you can prove their negligent conduct contributed to the slip-and-fall accident. The compensation you receive should cover the losses you suffered from your injuries, such as:

  • Medical bills
  • Damage to personal property
  • Emotional distress
  • Lost income and future earnings
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

The monetary value of your case will depend on multiple factors, including the severity of your injury and your total incurred expenses. Your NYC grocery store slip and fall lawyer will review the available evidence and calculate the amount of money it takes to compensate you for all your losses.

Contact David Resnick & Associates, PC

Since 1998, David Resnick & Associates, PC has represented clients who were injured throughout the NYC area. We believe in providing accident victims with the personalized service and attention they deserve during one of the most challenging times in their lives. When you hire us, you can trust that we will maintain open and honest communication as we aggressively pursue the compensation you deserve.

If you were injured in a fall in a grocery store, contact a trip and fall lawyer from David Resnick & Associates, PC for your free consultation today.

Author: David Resnick

Founder of David Resnick & Associates, P.C., a New York personal injury law firm in charge of providing exceptional and personal service to each of our clients in various areas including car accidents, slip and fall, wrongful death, construction accidents, and premises liability. David Resnick founded the firm in 1998 after working in large law firms where he saw a need for greater client communication and more personal care.

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